See how we bring change to life with our customers and in our communities — including behind-the-scenes stories from our people — around the world, each and every day.


Replicating Ancient Rome

Latin classes are making some cool models of Ancient Roman sites - the Pantheon, and Circus Maximus. It's really cool to see how different kids use different tools on Tinkercad to create the same landmark. Attached is a picture of one student's Pantheon model.

Replicating Your Town Square!

Meme Tucker and her students in Greensburg, KY re-created all the small homes and businesses in their Town and printed them on the School’s 3D Printers! To get through the project faster, they used the Polar Cloud to print to other idle printers in the district, in the Middle School building.

Tensegrity = Tension + Integrity

“1st version of her tensegrity 3dprint model was a success. If one string bends, the structure will collapse & will fall to gravity. Tensegrity allows the strain to be distributed across the structure.”

Just a Breeze

“3D printers are now ready for business thanks to @tinkercad and @Polar3D. These two platforms make student creating and printing a breeze!”

Learning a Language

“This student has been learning the Arabic alphabet at home and used the scribble tool in Tinkercad to 3D Print the characters. They turned out great! Love when students apply what they’ve learned in my class to their own lives.”


Arahoe raises cash!

“We've had our printer for a year now and the students love using it. Our student councillors even did a fundraiser where they sold custom printed keyrings and raised $2500 for a local charity.”


Keller Middle School

“Setup for the Polar Cloud is great. It allows me to disperse access to the appropriate users throughout my district. I had been looking for a way to manage and queue all the prints. I could see this being used by our whole program down the road. Setup was quite simple and I have had a lot of success with student projects up to this point.”


Fuqua School - Farmville, VA

“I have learned so much about 3D printing. Yesterday, I successfully had all 3 of my printers working at the same time!!! That may sound like nothing, but our original XYZ printer is not beginner friendly (in fact, it has only been turned on once or twice because it is so hard to level). From working with the newer models, I've learned how to work with the filament. This has been a tremendous experience for me, my students, and school. I am so thankful for the support!”


Lee Schools - Fort Myers, FL

“My students and I were very excited to receive the printer. By having this technology available to my classes, it will improve student participation, promote active learning, and encourage creative thinking. Being a Title 1 school, many of our students wouldn’t have access to technology like this without your contributions to education.”


Anonymous High School - South Dakota

'“Just to share some information - the student that I have working on this is one of our at-risk alternative school students. He was going to drop out a month ago and getting to work on this printer is what is keeping him in school to hopefully graduate in 2 weeks! thank you so much for the printers and the GE Additive Education program. Another student that I had work with the printers is now finishing up his SCADA degree!”


Nell Holcomb School - Jackson, MO

“Thank you! This experience, the 3D printer, the STEAMtrax lessons, the Polar Cloud, the support and the people that we have encountered, have far exceeded our expectations! After 24 years of teaching, few things surprise and REALLY impress me, but everything to do with this experience has been wonderful! Thank you again for this opportunity! Keep up the great work!”

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Trinity Christian - Lexington, KY

“Here’s a picture of the first print. Thank you so much. I’m so excited to incorporate this into our curriculum and our robotics team.”