Your school was designed to allow for several different levels of access, to allow for better engagement across the board, and result in better student outcomes.

Different Member Types.png


Workflow Helper - One Pager



How to manage your school’s members?

Click “Dashboard” and then “Members

  1. Click the “Info” bubble in the top right to read a description of all of the different member types

  2. Click the yellow “Copy” icon to copy the Join Code to your Clipboard for easier sharing

  3. Click “Refresh” to change the Join Code, in case it has gotten into the wrong hands (Teachers and above only)



Student Managers and Experienced Students

As Students advance in their 3D printing and design skills, you can “promote” them to Experienced Students or Student Managers.

  • Experienced Students can prepare their jobs themselves, by sending jobs directly to school printers

  • Student Managers can view all other student’s job requests in “Make” > “Manage My Lab” and act as print managers or teacher’s helpers. Student Managers cannot make personnel changes to the school (as in promote, demote, or remove others) or view Teacher level pages in the Curriculum.